The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Music Performance is focused on Western art music, with training in practical musicianship, music theory, and academic knowledge. It is a practice-based, creative degree programme in which you would be expected to practice individually, rehearse in ensembles, and perform in both contexts. During your studies, you will also gain knowledge in music theory, music history, composition, arrangement, music technology and music education.
“This programme is ideal for you if you have a background in performance with an interest in solo performance, ensemble playing, and music education.” Graduates will be equipped for a professional career in the music industry as performers, educators, and session musicians, utilising a broad exposure to other related areas, including composition and arrangement. Furthermore, due to the interdisciplinary nature of the programme and its strong emphasis on collaborative work, you would gain a wide range of transferable skills necessary for employment in today’s creative industries.
Programme Structure
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
- Chamber Music 1
- Song & Aria Class: Italian
- Chamber Music 2
- Song & Aria Class: German
- Chamber Music 3
- Song & Aria Class: French & Malay
Additional MOHE compulsory General Studies subjects
For Local Students
- Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban
- Bahasa Kebangsaan A (applicable to students who did not sit for SPM or did not obtain a Credit in SPM Bahasa Melayu) OR Critical Thinking
- Community Service for Planetary Health
- Falsafah dan Isu Semasa
- Integrity & Anti-Corruption
For International Students
- Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisation
- Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 2
- Community Service for Planetary Health
- Critical Thinking
- Integrity & Anti-Corruption
Entry Requirements
Average C or CGPA 2.0 (Minimum 2 principals)
Minimum 8 points (Minimum Grade D in at least 2 subjects)
Note: For A-Level points calculation
A = 10 points
B = 8 points
C = 6 points
D = 4 points
E = 2 points
Australian Matriculation
Canadian Matriculation
Monash University Foundation Year
Sunway Foundation in Arts
CGPA 2.0
Sunway Foundation in Science Technology
CGPA 2.0
Unified Examination Certificate
Maximum 28 points from 5 subjects (all Grade Bs)
International Baccalaureate
Completed with minimum 24 points (excluding bonus points)
Sunway Diploma in Related Field*
CAVG 50% or CGPA 2.0
An APEL.A Certificate (APEL T-6) (Recognition of Prior Learning)
(Click on this link for further information on APEL.A)
Note: Any other qualifications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
*Sunway Diploma holders may obtain advanced standing if credit transfer requirements are met.
Specific Requirements
All candidates must pass an audition. Candidates should prepare three short pieces to be sung or performed on the instrument of their choice. Please contact [email protected] for more details
English Language Requirements
- IELTS or equivalent 6.0
- MUET Band 4
- SPM English B3 or B+
- UEC English B4
- O-Level English (1119) Credit
- Sunway Intensive English Programme (IEP) Pass Level 4 with minimum 65%
- ESL / English Satisfactory level in Pre-University programmes, where the medium of instruction is English
Scholarships and Financial Aid
For more information about the scholarships and financial aid, please visit the SEG Scholarships website.