Master of Science (Data Science and Analytics)
The Master of Science (Data Science and Analytics) equips students with the core analytics knowledge needed to work with large, complicated data sets in any area. Both science and technical fields as well as social, political, and environmental challenges can benefit from this degree. In addition to fostering business and communication skills, it offers training […]
Master of Computer Science
The Master of Computer Science (MCS) degree is a terminal, professional degree that helps to build a technical career in the computer industry. The programme provides students with the fundamental knowledge and an in-depth understanding of computer information systems, computer programming languages, Internet programming languages, software engineering, computer database applications, computer network, e-commerce and artificial […]
Master in Construction Management
The Master in Construction Management Programme under Faculty of Engineering is designed to give students’ academic and technical skills in broad areas. The programme encompasses a wide range of educational field which helps to be construction experts to bring a project through to successful completion and helps to became specialized in management techniques to manage […]
Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering
Our program, Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering, provides the students with the advanced knowledge and skills related to the field of electronics engineering as well as telecommunications. Overview Our program, Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering, provides the students with the advanced knowledge and skills related to the field of electronics engineering as well […]
Master of Science in Civil Engineering
Masters Degrees in Civil Engineering would produce highly competitive researchers and professionals in the fields of civil engineering capable to taking challenges involved in designing, implementing and maintaining vital infrastructure, from everyday tunnels, bridges and railways to flood barriers and earthquake protection systems. Overview Masters Degrees in Civil Engineering would produce highly competitive researchers and […]
Master of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Our program, Master of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, enhances the technical knowledge of the students related to electrical and electronics and thus prepares the students for engineering profession. Overview Our program, Master of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, enhances the technical knowledge of the students related to electrical and electronics and thus […]
Master in Railway Infrastructure Management
The Master in Railway Infrastructure Management program of Lincoln University College, Malaysia (LUC) is designed to help the students to develop knowledge and skills for professional careers in railway infrastructure studies. Overview The Master in Railway Infrastructure Management program of Lincoln University College, Malaysia (LUC) is designed to help the students to develop knowledge and […]
Master in Tourism Management
Master of Tourism Management in Lincoln University College program prepares professional with advance knowledge of the tourism business to encompass best practice management strategies, ecotourism and sustainable business perspectives. Overview Master in Tourism Management in Lincoln University College program prepares professional with advance knowledge of the tourism business to encompass best practice management strategies, ecotourism […]
Master of Business Administration in Project Management
In the current market dynamism and fast-changing business environment, projects are being used more frequently to plan and to manage multiple projects at once. Overview In the current market dynamism and fast-changing business environment, projects are being used more frequently to plan and to manage multiple projects at once. The MBA in Project Management is […]
Master of Business Administration in Health Care Management
The MBA in Health Care Management provides students with the most relevant business skills to be effective and efficient decision makers who will improve the quality and access to health care at appropriate cost. The programme has a business management orientation, drawing on a broad base of management theory and examples to explain and analyze […]