Doctor of Philosophy in Built Environment
Programme Description The Doctor of Philosophy in Built Environment programme represents a key stepping-stone for further improvement and promotions in graduate’s career. Such will help increase the number of researchers and inventors in Architectural and Built Environment industry. As our Doctor Philosophy’s programme progresses and gains momentum, it will contribute to strengthening our nation’s international […]
Master of Architectural Project Management
Programme Description The programme offers a wide range of exciting areas of studies compromising of subjects and research (but not limited to) building design, building’s health and safety, engineering structures and services, costing and estimating, value management, contract administration, business strategies, entrepreneurship, project planning and various areas within the built environment industry. The Master in […]
Master of Architecture
Programme Description You will be exposed to studio teaching from a combination of experienced and innovative young academics together with industry professionals who will inspire you and develop your critical abilities, skills, and creativity within a simulated office practice environment. Contact us to find out more about the programme and the scholarships offered. Programme Highlights […]
Bachelor of Interior Design (Hons)
Programme Description Bachelor of Interior Design programme aims to produce graduates professionally in the interior design environment and building industry with theoretical, technical and practical knowledge in the interior design field. The programme will prepare the student in designing research components and for the fast demands of the new technologies and changes in the current […]
Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Architectural Design)
Programme Description The Architectural Design programme, which is equivalent to Board of Architects (LAM) Part I, is designed to prepare learners for a professional career that supports the building design and construction industry with the necessary technological knowledge on design, building services, building construction and materials, firefighting and safety, sustainability, and advanced skills in CAD […]
Diploma in Interior Design
Programme Description Interior Design programme aims to produce graduates professionally as semiprofessional in interior design environment and building industry with savvy theoretical and technical knowledge and to develop learners who are able to communicate effectively, endeavour teamwork, adapt readily talent to altering situations by problem solving with high confidence and guided by high ethical and […]
Diploma in Architectural Technology
Programme Description The Architectural Technology programme is designed to prepare learners for a career that supports the building design and construction industry with the necessary technical knowledge that ranges from design, building services, building construction & materials, as well as skills in using CAD and other relevant 3D software in producing drawings and documents. Designed […]