Master of Arts (Research)

A Master by Research degree requires you to demonstrate mastery of inquiry in a discipline or profession. You will undertake supervised research and write a thesis equivalent to 50,000 – 60,000 words. A Master by Research candidate is expected to plan, conduct and complete a research project; understand relevant techniques in the field, demonstrated both […]

Master of Arts In Visual Communication and Media Studies

Overview Communications and Media are an ever growing and changing part of the world we live in. Be it Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, your favourite online game, or an interactive installation you just saw in a museum, media messaging is a part of your life. Today, these messages are formulated around narratives. In all forms of […]

Master of Arts In Creative Arts and Media

Overview The Master of Arts in Creative Arts and Media provides students with an opportunity to carry out interdisciplinary research and contribute new understanding and insights to disciplines aligned with the School of Arts. Programme Key Points The programme offers students the opportunity to develop their work through artistic or academic forms.  The programme welcomes […]

Doctor of Philosophy In Creative Arts and Media

Overview The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Creative Arts and Media provides students with an opportunity to carry out interdisciplinary research and contribute new understandings and insights to disciplines aligned with the School of Arts.  Programme Key Points Students may opt for a conceptual or research-creation path. The programme offers students the opportunity to develop […]

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) In Theatre Production

Overview The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Theatre Production is a rigorous programme covering contemporary theatre-making’s dynamic practice. Students can expect to hone and sharpen their craft in performance, directing, devising design, and production management. This practice is supported by critical studies of history, context, and theory.  Students also consider the production of theatre in […]

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Music Performance

Overview The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Music Performance is focused on Western art music, with training in practical musicianship, music theory, and academic knowledge. It is a practice-based, creative degree programme in which you would be expected to practice individually, rehearse in ensembles, and perform in both contexts. During your studies, you will also gain […]

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) In Interior Architecture

Overview The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interior Architecture is an exciting programme designed for students who seek to become innovative interior architecture professionals of the 21st century. Spanning a period of 3 and 1/2 years, you will engage in various aspects of design for interior environments and develop skills which enable you to contribute […]

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Digital Film Production

Overview The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Digital Film Production explores the creative and professional aspects of film production including short film and documentary, scriptwriting, sound design, acting, transmedia content creation, post-production, entrepreneurship and internship with the widest and most value-added applications. The programme aims to produce versatile creative producers who are skilled in audio-visual production […]

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Design Communication

Overview The 21st century communication designer is one who not only develops a message content for printed or electronic media, with emphasis on aesthetics in media, but also has the ability to create new media channels to ensure the message reaches its target audience. This programme aims to nurture passionate, creative thinkers who have a […]

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Contemporary Music (Audio Technology)

Overview This programme aims to train versatile musicians and music producers. It is both a technical and creative degree programme, providing you with solid music theory and academic knowledge while developing your skills in audio technology through studio practice and interdisciplinary collaborative projects. Subjects and areas covered include composition, arrangement, sound design and film scoring, […]