Master of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) (Research)
A Master by Research degree requires you to demonstrate mastery of inquiry in a discipline or profession. You will undertake supervised research and write a thesis equivalent to 50,000 – 60,000 words. A Master by Research candidate is expected to plan, conduct and complete a research project; understand relevant techniques in the field, demonstrated both […]
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Be part of a proud tradition of research excellence. This PhD program consists of an extensive, independent research project in your discipline of choice, supported by a minimum of two academic supervisors throughout your candidature. Your study will result in a research thesis, which makes a valuable contribution to the current body of knowledge on […]
Master of Philosophy
Join the global conversation. The degree allows you to develop in-depth knowledge, expertise and skills through the application of research to business challenges, with support from a minimum of two supervisors throughout your enrolment. You’ll gain experience in the design and implementation of research and make a contribution to an existing body of knowledge by […]
Master of Data Science
Find meaning where no one else can. With highly specialised expertise that’s widely sought-after in this information age, data scientists extract value from huge volumes of data to drive innovation and transformation across industries. The Master of Data Science course teaches you how to explore data and discover its potential – how to find innovative […]
Master of Business Information Systems
Behind every successful business is the effective use of data. Information drives businesses. Without it, they cease to function. Recording, managing, and using information is imperative for day-to-day operations and strategic decision-making. The Master of Business Information Systems course prepares you for careers in big data analytics, business intelligence, systems design, planning and management, and […]
Master of Artificial Intelligence
Leap into the future. Artificial intelligence (AI) professionals are highly sought after around the world – and this demand is only growing. Delivered by some of the best minds in the field, the Master of Artificial Intelligence course gives you the specialist knowledge and adaptability to move to the forefront of AI transformation. It empowers […]
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
Discover the world of digital research and development. This is a coursework and research program in computer science for high achieving students who have completed a relevant undergraduate degree. You’ll undertake research methodology training and carry out an independent research project on your selected topic, working closely with a supervisor who will provide you with […]
Bachelor of Computer Science in Data Science
Enter a world of opportunity. This is the era of big data and artificial intelligence. Data science, a distinct but related field to computer science, represents a cutting-edge discipline which applies scientific methods, mathematics, algorithms and artificial intelligence to extract and visualise intelligent insights from huge volumes of complex data. In the fast-progressing world of the […]
Bachelor of Computer Science
Step into a thriving industry. Wherever you look, you’ll find the influence of computer science. Computer scientists and intelligent systems are at work, supporting or driving everything from the daily weather report to new research discoveries. They’re pushing developments in bioinformatics, gaming, networking, artificial intelligence and other fields that use and transform information. So if […]
Master of Information Technology
ABOUT THIS PROGRAMME The Master of Information Technology (MIT) program at IUKL is designed for both IT and non-IT graduates who wish to enhance their ICT knowledge and skills and advance their careers in rapidly evolving, technology-driven sectors. It aims to equip professionals with competitive skills and knowledge to be effective in a business environment […]